Thursday, June 29, 2006


As you may or probably may not have noticed, although M.I.A. only has one album out there were many versions of it. Songs were added, removed and switched around. I have the original release but managed to get my mitts on the later added tracks. The updated version contains a new skit (Dash the Curry) and the song URAQT.

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This song is an ass shaker. Blaring horns and heavy bass makes this song oh so good. She spills out corny ass pick-up lines (Is your dad a dealer 'cause you're dope to me?) and cocky remarks (Like a ball I'll make you dribble/You win gold medals for when you win me). When I heard this song play at a club for the first time everyone's ass went crazy. I bet yours will, too.


I actually heard a song on the radio recently with the same beat. I'm not sure which song first. I'm pretty sure it was M.I.A.'s but if anyone knows who sings the other version please let me know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is a mashup of this song with Madonna's Hung Up.