Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Pop Tarts

There are those songs that you really wish you could hate, usually because the artist is what you call a "sell-out" or over-rated. In this case, talentless and/or washed out. But with high paid producers come great sounding songs whether we like it or not.

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Jessica Simpson has gone back, way back. A Public Affair sounds reminiscent to Britney's song Anticipating with hints of Spice Girls (Who Do You Think You Are), Madonna (Everybody), and even some 70's disco. She sure did cover all bases. I guess Jess realized that singing those power ballads were only useful at the Super Bowl and not for selling records. Cute song, not phenomenal, just thought I'd share it before you start hearing it on radio, or not.

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Oh, Paris, where do I start with you? Releasing a reggae-esque song as your first single was a curveball, alright. That's so like you. Of course you've heard all of the comparisons to UB40's Kingston Town, but whatever. This song is damn catchy. Perfect summer song, in my opinion. 5 points go to Paris Hilton for the pleasant surprise. Thanks Bitch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
